Princess Trading
Frequently Asked Questions.
Please, feel free to CONTACT US if you have any other question.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: What do you export?
- A: We export all kinds of used passenger cars, commercial trucks ranging from almost new cars to very rare and old trucks, which are manufactured more than 30 years ago.
- Please check our INVENTORY LIST.
- Q: Can we use a credit card for the payment?
- A: A: Yes, you may. Please ASK US procedure of paying by credit card.
- Q: Can I pay in any currencies?
- A: Primarily, you can pay in US dollars.
- If you don’t pay in US Dollars, you can pay either in JP Yen. The total payment amount will be charged based on the market exchange rate of US Dollar.
- Q: Is my deposit refundable?
- A: Yes. The deposit is refundable for any reason before we purchase a car from an auction house or other suppliers.
- However, a handling and a banking charge are deducted from the deposit. We issue the Final Statement with deduction of these charges.
- Q: Do you export LHD(Left Handle Drive) vehicles?
- A: Yes, we do. We can export both types.
All vehicles made in Japan are RHD(Right Handle Drive). - And some vehicles imported from US and Europe to Japan are LHD(Left Handle Drive).
- Q: How can I check vehicle’s condition?
- A: You can check the vehicle’s condition from auction grade as follows;
6(S) Vehicle is especially like new.
All original body parts. No repair needed on vehicle.
Usually vehicle mileages less than 100 km.5 Vehicle is like new.
All original body parts. No repair needed on vehicle.
Usually only given to vehicles less than 1 year old.4.5 Vehicle is in excellent condition. No slight scratches or dents. 4 Vehicle in good condition, few scratches/dents due to normal wear as you would get with any normal vehicle. 3.5 Vehicle has a few scratches or dents visibly.
The grade is usually given to a vehicle in average condition.3 Various scratches or dents, some paint blemishes. RA Vehicle has been in MINOR accident.
It has been repaired to an acceptable standard.R A vehicle which has been in an accident where some parts have been repaired or replaced. *** Accident damaged vehicle however has not been repaired.
Vehicle may have engine problems. - Q: What is the total cost of buying a car?
- A: We show it in Proforma Invoice(quotation) based on your demand; such as, a car name, a model number, a manufactured year, and options.
- The cost is shown in the Proforma Invoice.
- Q: Can you ship vehicles to any countries in the world?
- A: Yes. We can ship them to any countries where vessels are running.
- In a case of inland, we use land transportation such as railway.
- Q: Can anybody import vehicles from foreign countries?
- A: Yes, generally everybody can. However, in some countries, only authorized importers/dealers can buy vehicles from abroad. Before you place your order, you are required to confirm with your country’s restrictions.
- Q: How many days do you need for shipping?
- A: It depends on destination and routes of ships. It might take around 3 days for Russia, Hong Kong from Japan. And it might take around 3 weeks for New Zealand, Australia. It might takes around 4-6 weeks for far away countries from Japan.
- Q: What does “FOB Price” mean?
- A: A FOB Price includes the price of items and exportation fee that will be charge until the items are transported into the ship.
- Importers will be required to pay other fees such as freight charge, marine insurance and customs. Regarding the freight charge, please CONTACT US.
- To prepare the worst, we strongly recommend you to insure your items.
- Q: How do you ship vehicles?
- A: Usually, we ship vehicle(s) by boats called Ro-Ro vessels for cars and Container for Bikes.
Furthermore, we are able to arrange the shipping by 40-FOOTER CONTAINER LOADING for cars. - In case of CKD(complete knock down)of 2-ton trucks, we can ship 5-6 units of cars in a 40-footer container. Also, in case of COMPLETE TRUCKS, we can ship 3 units in a 40-footer container. In case of COMPLETE PASSENGER CARS, we can ship 4-5 units in a 40-footer container.
- Q: Who is responsible for paying the bank transfer fee?
- A: The buyer is responsible for all the bank fees. Please confirm the cost of the fee with your bank.
- Please make sure that you make a full payment, including bank handling charge. We ship your items after we confirm your FULL payment.
- Q: I have any other question.
- A: Please, feel free to CONTACT US if you have any other question.
- Step 1
- 在庫車輌一覧
- まずは、在庫車輌一覧の中から一番お好みの車を選びましょう。もし、在庫車輌一覧の中にお好みの車が見つからなかった場合は、欲しい車を書いてこちらからお問合わせしましょう。
- 車を探すときのワンポイント
車のスタイル、見た目で感じた直感も大切ですが、それと合わせて、その車の年式、走行距離やメーカー名、車種、グレード、さらにご予算なども考慮されると、比較的状態の良い車を選べることでしょう。 - Step 2
- ご来店ください
- もしくは忙しくてなかなかご来店いただけない方のために、その車のお見積書を作成し、お客様のご自宅やお勤め先などにご希望のお車をお持ちします。ご納得いただけるまでお車をご覧いただけます。
- 当店の車をご覧になってご検討いただけるならば私たちも満足なので、こちらのサービスは当然無料にて承ります。もちろん車が気に入らなければご購入頂かなくても大丈夫ですし、また別の車をお持ちいたします。
- ネットでも買えます
- ご来店が難しい、実車をご覧になっている時間が無い方は、その車をショッピングカートに入れて、ショッピングカートよりご注文、お支払い頂ければ、お客様のご自宅やお勤め先などご希望の場所にお車を納車いたします。
- Step 3
- 車は納得いただけるまで見て触って、動かしご試乗ください
- 車が気に入り、お値段にも合意しましたら3営業日以内に、概算の合計額を銀行振込にてご送金お願いします。
- 当店取引銀行口座:三井住友銀行
- Step 4
- 納車前に全車自社工場にて検査します
- 送金の確認後、自社工場にて当店規定の68項目を点検・整備し、お客様にお届けできるよう納車の準備を進めます。
- 営業より注文書を送付しますので、サインを記入後ご返送お願いします。
- Step 5
- 車庫証明を申請し、車庫証明とその他の書類をご準備お願いします。海外輸送、海外への納車をご希望の場合は、ご希望の納車先を営業にお知らせください。
- 海外への輸送、納車承ります
- 当店お取扱いの車は全て、日本国内はもとより世界各国どちらへもご希望の納車先へ納車いたします。
- 既にお持ちの愛車を世界各国へお届けする海外輸送のみのご依頼も承ります。
- Step 6
- 車のご購入に必要な書類が全て揃いましたら、当店宛にご郵送ください。
- Step 7
- もしお支払い時に残金がある場合は、全ての納車準備が終わり書類確認が済みましたら、銀行振込にて残金のお支払いをお願いします。
- 当店取引銀行口座:三井住友銀行
- Step 8
- 納車日のご指定と名義変更の確認をお願いします。
- もし必要な訂正があれば、すぐにお知らせください。
書類の作成が完了してしまいますと訂正できなくなってしまう場合があります。 - Step 9
- お車の納車
- 車をご自宅までお届け、納車いたします。
- 海外への納車の場合
- 海外への納車の場合、所定の手続きを済ましたら、納車する車を日本国内の最寄りの港まで陸送し、そちらから納車先へ就航している船(自動車専用 RORO 船もしくはコンテナ船)に載せて納車先の、現地の港までお届けいたします。
- 当店のお取扱いは、納車先である現地の港までとなります。お客様ご自身にて現地の港に在る通関事務所で輸入手続き、通関費用をお支払いの上、港に納車されているお車をお受け取りください。
- ※現地輸入エージェントのご紹介はできます。
※海外の通関手続きは個人の方でも手続きされている方は多いです。 - Step 10
- その他の詳細につきましては、その都度メールにてご説明致します。